Thursday, June 5, 2008

A message from Rebecca L. Flora

Some folks may've already seen a welcome letter to GTH 2008, compliments of Rebecca L. Flora, the Chair of the U.S. Green Building Council. But if you've not seen those notes through other channels, we offer it below.


As Chair of the U.S. Green Building Council, it is with great pleasure that I look forward to welcoming you at the Greening the Heartland Conference, June 22-24, 2008 in St. Louis, Missouri. I am proud to note that this conference, sponsored by the Heartland Region of the USGBC, is celebrating its fifth year as a leading regional conference on sustainability and green building.

It has never been a more exciting time for all involved in sustainability work from a broad range of sectors - education, government, corporate and community. On a daily basis we hear the doom and gloom of rising energy costs, global warming, potential food shortages, and water scarcity. These issues are at the forefront of our daily work. Yet, you are the leaders whose efforts are making a difference in addressing these critical issues and whose efforts and positive results will continue to grow through your dedication. It is for these reasons that conferences such as Greening the Heartland are so important to attend as vital tools, resources and success stories are shared and valuable relationships established to help you advance your very important work.

Come to the conference to:
  • Learn - from an outstanding list of speakers presenting in over 50 sessions and a wide selection of pre and post conference workshops
  • Tour - outstanding LEED buildings
  • Experience new products and services in the exhibit hall, and
  • Network and connect with old colleagues and meet new ones at the receptions and special event at the City Museum.
For more information, visit I look forward to seeing you in St. Louis!

Rebecca L. Flora
Chair, U.S. Green Building Council


We'd also note that a recent article at the website Spatial Sustain would be perfectly tied to this note, as it summarizes recent comments of hers on the topic of Beyond Green Building: A Roadmap for Transforming Our Built Environment.

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