Friday, May 30, 2008

Waste Recycling Training & Accreditation

While the bulk of the Greening the Heartland events will run from June 22 - 24, a few pre- and post-GTH events will be held. We'll give the details on such events here, as well. This time out, we repost a note from WasteCap Wisconsin, which is offering a program on waste recycling and training. Here's that information:


Construction Waste Recycling Training and Accreditation Program
Wednesday, June 25 from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Holiday Inn, St. Louis

Registration link available at

For more information on Greening the Heartland 2008, visit

To date, more than 200 professionals in 14 states have become WasteCap Accredited Professionals in construction waste recycling.

Across the state and nationwide, owners are requiring construction waste recycling as a part of sustainable building. Contractors who know how to recycle will be at a market advantage. Reduction, reuse and recycling is allowing contractors and owners to use projects funds for building instead of waste disposal. This training will give you the skills you need to develop, manage, monitor, document and promote a successful recycling program for construction and demolition debris. It also provides training to obtain LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) points for MR 2.1 and 2.2.

Contractors, developers, haulers and owners should attend and will benefit from this training. Upon completion of the training, you will be awarded with three-year WasteCap Accreditation in construction and demolition waste recycling through WasteCap Wisconsin . All attendees will receive a comprehensive toolkit containing sample contract language and specifications requiring recycling, recycling market information, monitoring checklists and worksheets for conducting economic analysis as well as WasteCap Wisconsin 's training video highlighting important information on material-specific recycling for construction and demolition projects. REGISTRATION IS LIMITED.

Date: Wednesday, June 25
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Where: Holiday Inn, St. Louis / Greening the Heartland 2008
Cost: $400 for WasteCap Wisconsin Members or USGBC Members, $550 for nonmembers

Registration link available at

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